Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tue, 18 Jul 2006


Is that a state that people want to be in? Do you like to be in a constant state of confusion? Have you ever wondered why everything that started out so sweet and wonderful ended up in pure torment? We call it "one of those days." But then we realize that "one of those days" have turned into weeks, then years. We can't understand why.

In 1 Corn. 14:33. For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." And in James 3:16, For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.

AhhHa. There's our answer. Do we heed these two scriptures? Most of us don't. We are constantly asking God, "Why are You letting all this fall on me?" Yes, we have trails and tribulations but that is just between God and us. Doesn't necessarily fall on all those around us. Confusion effects everybody in our household. How about stopping, take a step backwards, regroup and say "wait a minute, this isn't right." It would only take a minute of our time to do this and then we wouldn't have the confusion, hurt feelings, and one trying to control the other.

I am guilty of this, as most of us are. We just have to go head long on into it no matter what. We know that we are the only one that could possibly be right. Oh yea? God is the only ONE who is RIGHT. God has given us the insight to put a stop to it by simply saying, "get thee behind me satan." It is up to us to use or not to use. People let themselves get into situations, most of their own making, for reasons that they only can understand. So when it catches up to them, and others try to help it gets out of control and then there is the confusion again.

One person can try to make another see their point of view only, not taking into consideration of the others reason's or feelings. These people, well, some of them anyway, will admit when another is right. You know, maybe this whole confusion things, just boils down to one thing: CONTROL. I am a control freak. Always have been, no, not always only since I was 24/25 years old. But I am sure the seed had to be there in me from the beginning of my life. I am working on turning this over to God. But you know, if it makes others feel good to have control and confusion, then let them. Our goal is to love them no matter what.

Oh yes it is hard sometimes but that is what we have instructed to do. What does it matter if we are loved? It is more important that we love. By loving we are obeying the greatest commandment given by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. So, when you feel the confusion/control coming on you, take just a minute to stop and pray. Ask God how He really wants you to handle this situation. We ask not only God, but the loved ones and the others that are outside our loved ones to please forgive us our faults and to remember you can't get into heaven if forgiveness for others isn't in your heart.

In God's love we are, rECj/LJG


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