Sunday, October 29, 2006

1 THES 5:18
"Rejoice always, Pray without ceasing, in Everything give Thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
"Happy Thanks-Giving!"
A. HOW WOULD YOU MAKE A REQUEST: LK 17:13,"And they lifted up their
voices and said, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!"
1. As a child of God, you can ask Jesus directly and face to face;
MK 11:24"Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you
pray, Believe that you receive them, and you will have them."
Amen? Back then, others spoke to God in Prayer, 2 CHRON 6:29-30,&
Heaven would answer. Can you imagine, even the Pharaoh in a sense
prayed through Moses & Aron; EX 12:32"...and bless me also."
2. But here when Jesus passed through Samaria & Galilee, and in a
certain village He met 10 men who were Lepers, but stood afar off.
What a dreadful & cursed desease, Leprosy is. Even a Man of Valor,
like Naaman, had Leprosy, 2 KI 5:1, no one was exempt. Leprosy is
like sin to us all, LEV 13:38, read for yourselves. These 10 men yelled
out to Jesus & begged for mercy, for they knew He had power to heal.
Nothing is Impossible for God! Trust me, so "Don't be, act, or pray like
a Billy-Goat-Christian", Amen? Understand? "Yes Lord, BUT!" "I would
Lord, BUT!" "I know Lord, BUT!" By Faith, let your Requests be known.

B. HOW WOULD YOU HANDLE THE RESULT: LK 18:41,"What do you want Me
to do for you?" (Specific prayers are best, so is specific confession!)
1. Here, Jesus saw the 10 Lepers & heard them & answered their
Prayer LK 17:13-14,"Go, show yourselves to the priests." What? Yes,
Jesus, saw with understanding; never laid hands on them; so what
really provided healing? Are you Listening? "Obedience to Jesus!"
2. The lepers Obedience to the Instructions of Jesus, & they went to
show themselves to the priests, and "As they went,...they were Healed."
LK 17:14. No fanfare or great festival, just as it was with Naaman, he
wanted a big "Healing Festival" but God through Elisha, sent word to
Naaman, the Man of Valor, to dip himself 7-times in the muddy waters
of the Jordan river, & his Leprosy be gone & his flesh made young as
that of a child; 2 KI 5:14-15. "Healed by his Obedience!" Amen? Amen
3. The Result should be? Falling down on his face at the feet of Jesus,
and with a loud voice Glorifying and Praising God, & giving Thanks.
Falling on your face, is an expression of worship. 10 Lepers healed, &
only One came back to give Thanks? LK 17:15-16. Sad, is it not?

C. HOW IS YOUR REACTION: EPH 5:20," Thanks always for all things
to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,..."
1. As there should have been 10 men return to Jesus Christ, thus He
asks, LK 17:17-18,"But where are the nine?" Where there not any found
who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?" We too tend
to act as those nine; Thoughtless & Thankless, to God, to our Spouses,
to our Children, to our Parents, to our Neighbors, Friends & Relatives!!
So let us Change our ways &: "Show appreciation; Express gratitude;
Give thanks always,EPH 5:20, 1 THES 5:17, COL 3:15." Amen? Amen
2. Remember, Jesus Christ:"Heard their Cry, Saw their Condition, Had
Compassion, Gave Healing!" Let us not just follow the world,2TIM 3:1-5,
BUT: COL 2:6-7,
"As you therefore have received CHRIST JESUS the Lord, so walk in HIM, rooted &
built up in HIM & established in faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with THANKSGIVING."

God's blessings on each of you,



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