Friday, October 06, 2006


When we read Joel, we find several reasons for the writing of this Book. The locust, looks like a grasshopper, had destroyed the land along with drought. They were like an army, darkening the sky, eating every green thing in their path. Joel mentions 4 different names for the locust, or different stages of growth. The army of locusts is a reference to the coming day of our Lord. He gets the people to fall on their knees in repentance, and promises that if they obey God, the land would be restored to its former fruitfulness. God heard their pleas, made a covenant that the Spirit of the God would sent a period of universal peace and the people will overcome their foes. These locusts could be the ones in Revelation 9:1-11.

Peter quotes Joel 2:28-32 in Acts 2:17-21 on the day of Pentecost. The day of the Lord, is partially fulfilled by Holy Ghost manifesting Himself at Penecost. The predictions of Joel were partly fulfilled in the coming of Jesus, in the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, other parts are yet to be fulfilled, that is when Jesus returns on clouds of glory. What is in men's heart will tell how they will handle this day.

When Simon Peter quoted Joel 2:28-32, means that God had intended it to show the coming of the Gospel era. It would be day of judgement for the people (3:1-12). To Joel, it was the enemy nations of his time, Sidonians, Philistines, Egyptians, and the Edomites (3:4 &19). Joel 3:18, mountain flowing from the house of God, 3:9-12, the great battle in the valley of Jehosaphat (a valley of Kidron on the east side of Jerusalem) is a connection with the harvest, 3:14, the valley of decision, God uttering his voice from Jerusalem, 3:16, seems to be a picture of the coming of Jesus and the Holy Ghost influence would be given to all mankind, is representing the sickle that will be used in the grand harvest of souls.

God's blessing to each of you,

SOURCES: King James Bible, H H Halley's Bible Handbook


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