Tuesday, December 19, 2006


"Mary and Martha are representatives of two orders of human character. One was absorbed, preoccupied, abstracted; the other was concentrated and single-hearted. Her own world was the all of Martha; Christ was the first thought with Mary. To Martha life was 'a succession of particular businesses;' to Mary Life 'was rather the flow of one spirit.' Martha was Petrine, Mary was Johannine. The one was a well-meaning, bustling busybody; the other was a reverent disciple, a wistful listener." Paul had such a picture as that of Martha in his mind when he spoke of serving the Lord "without distraction" (1 Corinthians 7:35).

The facts recorded in Luke 10 and John 11 indicate a character devout after the customary Jewish type of devotion, sharing in Messianic hopes and accepting Jesus as the Christ. Her love, though
imperfect in its form, is yet recognize as true, and she has the distinction of being one whom Jesus loved (John 11:5).

God's blessings to each of you,

SOURCES: Kings James Bible, Easton and Smith's Bible dictionary, Matthew Henry's Commentary, H H Haley's Bible handbook


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