Wednesday, March 07, 2007


[I honestly believe God has a sense of humor, if not He would certainly let me wait till in the morning to write the things He lays on my heart.]

I fall down, I get up. A song that we used to sing and dance to in a church I used to belong to. Oh we enjoyed that song. When it says I fall down, we would scoop to the ground. When it says I get up, we would jump up. And we were full of joy as we sang and danced to the song.

Today I fell down. And tonight as I laid in bed talking to the Lord, I told Him I stepped out from under Your covering didn’t I? He let me talk for a while as a child to their Father, when we know we have done wrong. I told Him I saw what I had not done, and could clearly see why I fell.

He laid this on my heart you fall down, you get up. What have you learned, because if you learn nothing from your fall, then surely you shall fall again?

That gave me pause to think. How many times do we fall down, and we repent and get back up, but we have learned nothing from falling. What a lesson we have missed.

What the Lord was clearly showing me is now that I have gotten up, what shall I do to not fall again in that area of my life. I take what His word says about the situation and I start speaking it out loud. And I start making some changes in my life, so the problem that caused me to fall will not happen again.

I can stand under His protection only if I am abiding in His word. I was being disobedient in an area of my life. I have to accept responsibility for my actions. Only if I am in obedience can I say to the problem leave me, you have no business here. And because I am being obedient, it will not be able to touch me.

I and only me left the crack in the door for this to attach me. And to be honest it wasn’t a crack. Basically I held the door open and said come on in.

With me it was my health, bad eating habits, improper rest, no exercise. See I was going to do it tomorrow, and tomorrow just never got here. I always wanted that one last good meal, and then just one more.

What is it in your life that you are waiting for the right moment, the right time, the right words from somebody? Well I have news for you as long as you put off doing whatever it is you need to do, you will keep falling down.

It might be your health, your finances, and your ministry. It doesn’t matter what it is, you will keep falling down.

Tomorrow will never get here because tomorrow is today when you get to it. As always it is your choice. What are you going to do? As for me, well I don’t have time for sickness in my life; I have too much to do. So I will obey God and make some much need changes in my life. The good part is, if I fall down this time I know I have help, because I am not putting it off any more.

This time I intend to do it with the help of God, because you know what I sure do love a good meal, but I know that God can change the taste of what I enjoy, just as He can change anything else.

[That said now maybe He will let me go to sleep]

God Bless
Put some joy in your life, laugh.


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