Thursday, April 19, 2007


First let us travel to Waco Texas. This is one of the most misunderstood happenings that we will share with you. Nothing is exactly clear as to what happened, even though many of us sat glued to our televisions for days.

But lets go back a bit and see where this all started. In 1930 members of the Seven day Adventists were excommunicated. These former members became the Davidian Seventh Day Adventists and the Branch Davidians originated from them in 1950.

In 1981, Vernon Wayne Howell joined the group as a regular member. In 1984 he began teaching his own message. There was a split in the group and Howell took his followers to Palestine, Texas. After a short period of time he and his followers moved back onto the land in Waco.

In 1990, Howell changed his name to David Koresh, invoking the biblical Kings David and Cyrus. Koresh centered his teachings on the Seven Seals and his ability to open them. He supported his beliefs with detailed interpretation of the Bible using Revelation as the way to view the entire Bible.

On February 28,1993 the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms conducted a raid on the property named Mount Carmel. This raid was because of numerous reports of stockpiled illegal weapons. Koresh had also been accused by former members of practicing polygamy with underage brides, and physically abusing children. The raid resulted in the deaths of four agents and six Davidians after the Davidians refused the demands of the federal agents.

This started a 51 day siege by the FBI that ended on April 19 when federal agents released tear gas into the compound. Fires broke out and spread quickly through the buildings killing approximately 79 Branch Davidians, 21 of those were children. Autopsies confirmed that many including David Koresh had died of a single gunshot to the back of their heads. There are also reports that the fires were set inside the buildings.

Next we will travel to Pea Green Cemetery, it is quite and peaceful looking until we notice that most of the graves are those of infants and young child. We are in Monrose County in Colorado and the year is 2001.

Eleven children all born to members of First Assembly and Church of the First Born Church. The deaths happened between the years of 1990 and 2001. First Born is a Christian denomination that uses prayer instead of medicine.

In the mid 70’s several children died of diphtheria after their parents forbade them to be immunized. In 1982 a child died of a ruptured appendix, and in 1987 a day old child. Since 1974 at least 35 children have died .

The members believe that the children are merely asleep until judgement day.

Since 1989 Colorado Legislature has rebuffed efforts by law enforcement that exempt parents who use spiritual healing from charges of child abuse or neglect.

The church dates back to the 1700’s. There were 285 families belonging to the 6 First Born churches scattered throughout Colorado in 1997.

Some members wear hearing aids and eyeglasses, even false teeth. This is viewed merely as support like a cane, than a medical device.

On July 15 one child got stuck by its shoulders in the birth canal, as the mother was delivering the child. The mother refused any help saying that she understood and “it’s all in God’s hands” on the 16th. The next day the funeral home was notified that the baby had been removed. The baby could have been delivered if it would have been turned. The baby died in the canal and the mother almost lost her life.

In 1998 of 172 child deaths that happened between 1975 to 1995 to parents of various religious organizations, 140 had a 90% change of survival if medical care had been provided.

Now we will travel to Uganda. The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God was lead by Joseph Kibwetere. Kibwetere, known as “The Prophet” had prophesied that the world would end on December 31, 1999. When that did not happen he changed the date to December 31, 2000 and then for some reason changed it back to March 17, 2000.

Kibwetere had told believers to sell all their possessions and prepare to go to heaven. The cultist gathered at the church where they chanted and sang for hours before lighting the place on fire. Authorities found that the windows and doors of the church had been nailed shut and prayer mats doused with gasoline. It is believed the congregation went up in flames when all the cultist lit their candles.

On March 18, up to 530 members of this obscure Catholic cult committed mass suicide. A police spokesman said “The scene is horror, there are about two or three bodies which you can say if it is a man or woman. The rest of the bodies are beyond human shape.”

Days later more than 150 bodies were found—many stabbed or strangled—in mass graves on sect property. Investigators believe cult members were killed when they questioned Kibwetere, or demanded that their possessions be returned.

Kibwetere’s body was not found; he is believed to have fled the compound before the fire.
Tomorrow we will start a look at the NORMAL Christian religions. Even here we will see according to our scriptures that God’s Word is used to express what men want it to say.

Here we have three very different stories, all ended in tragedy. All because of people standing for what they believe is the truth. We are not here to try to make you feel one or the other about any of these groups. You form your own opinions.

Remember the scriptures we gave you at the beginning?

God Blesse


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