Saturday, April 28, 2007


My beloved speaks and says to me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, behold, the winter is past; the rain is over and gone.
Song of Solomon verses 10 and 11

In times past LJG and I have shared the passing of our loved ones and today we celebrate the home going of one of our family members.

He is known as beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, uncle and friend; beloved by all who know him. He is one of the most awesome men of God that we have ever known.

Distance is hard, because there is a strong desire to want to comfort those that are loved. All we can do is share our thoughts with you at this time, our memories that we cherish so much.

As a soft wind through the trees
He enlightened many life’s
Softly as the breeze
He left an impression of the wind
Softy kissing your cheek
As the deer pants for the water
So was his life for Christ
In a realm of pure Godly love
Unlocked his soul to enter
Into a relationship with Christ
As the song goes
He walked with Him
He talked with Him
And he told Him of his love

He left an impression of love, softly touching life’s in a way that remained. Never forgotten.

His love of Christ and his faith, stood strong. When mentioning him to people, I always say he had the keys to the church; he unlocked the doors for others. He was a servant of God. And yes I have spoke of him to many. People that do not understand that life can be full and happy in being committed to living for the Lord.

In the quietness of all those memories was the man who was always there, with a kind word, a hug and most of all his prayers.

He has just begun his journey, because now he is going home. He will be with the love with kept him going all these years, the love of Christ.

My beloved you are now with your beloved.

B.W. Dees, Born 1921; Home going Wednesday April 26, 2007
Celebration of Home going April 29, 2007


Oh what a wonderful man you were to all you were blessed to have known you on this earth.

Even tho I left the earthly family that you were a member of, I am still in the family of God. The family that you wanted everyone you came into contact with to be a part of. I too, remember sitting at ya'll's dining room table and the laughter and the joy that flowed so sweetly.

I will be looking forward to the day when we will meet again and continue in the laughter, joy and love that was so much a part of you here, knowing that it will be greater then.

I know there are so many in our family that you have now joined that are so happy to have you with them.

Until that time we will surely meet again, thank you for the precious memories that you have left not only for me, but all those left behind.

Alma and family, I know the lost of your Beloved has been hard on each of you. But each of you have the blessed assurance that you will be with your Beloved again.

Be in peace and rest in the Lord.



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