Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Last night as I was reading on the study of faith and how we use it in our day-to-day life’s, it crossed my mind what of the faith of Jesus. We know that Jesus was born of a woman and that He lived as a man on this earth. We also know that He grew strong in the Lord. He had faith.
How do we begin to compare His faith to ours? That kind of struck me. It is hard to begin to imagine having that kind of faith. But it is the faith that we are to have. It is easy to believe it for Him and of Him, but not for me myself.

Who am I hurting? Myself, of course, because I am telling God that I do not believe His word. OUCH! That hurt and hurt bad. It made me realize that first I needed to ask God’s forgiveness and to forgive myself also. And then to ask God how do I step into a realm of believing that what belonged to Christ can and does belong to me. The Bible tells us that if we seek we shall find and if we ask the door will be opened. I have asked for Him to open that door for me. And the main reason why is because without faith we are dead while yet alive.

As the thoughts came to me last night and as I pondered them, I thought of the faith that Christ had. He had enough faith to believe that if he died on that cross He would be raised up again. We know from the Bible that God could not look on sin and Jesus took all sin that ever was or ever would be and still at this moment has not been completed and took it on Himself. Knowing that God would have to turn from Him, unable to look upon Him. That my dear sweet people is faith at the fullest, how can we know that and expect or settle for any less then believing that He will do for us what He said He would do. Think on that for a bit.

Pray with me, Heavenly Father I am seeking and want the faith that You desire for me to have in my life. Open this door for me Lord, help me with my unbelief, and bless me with faith. In Your mighty Name Amen. So Be It.

God Bless


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