Monday, July 09, 2007


Matthew 18:6
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mark 9:42
And whosoever shall offend one of [these] little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.

Luke 17:2
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

We need to study, seek, find and understand what is going on around us before we start jumping to conclusions about the health problems facing us today.

This morning I read on AOL, as many of you did, there or elsewhere, about the HIV/AIDS boy that was banned from this RV park in Alabama. I'm really surprised that the owners didn't burn the place to the ground when they found out the foster dad has cancer. Do you think this is a way of getting free advertisement?

Now, the informed of these dark ages, know that you cannot get HIV/AIDS from drinking, eating, swimming or even if he was to throw up on you, you ain't going to become infected. Even if they should just happen to bleed on you, the only way you will become infected is if you have an open sore or wound. Think about this, if they sneeze on or around you, you still won't become infected.

One person left a comment that "those people should be quarantined" like we used to do to those with infectious diseases. So, I am going to offer a suggestion to each of you, from now on if a person has a cold, the flu, a kidney infection, a lung disease, cancer, asthma, hepatitis, pregnant, an ingrown toe nail, ear ache, sore throat, eye infection and all other forms of diseases should be banned from all public places, including the work place and should immediately be quarantine until their doctor or the State Health Agency gives them a clean bill of health. Let's not forget to wear our masks when we go out. The air borne diseases are lurking out there, just waiting on you to step outside the door.

Can you just imagine the surprise in store for these narrow minded, uninformed folks if they know just how many people were walking around with HIV/AIDS? What a mess the work places would be in if the employers were to ask everyone to supply a health statement about their hidden diseases.

I know my next statement is going to be a surprise to a lot of people but it needs to be said, how do you think these precious children got this dreaded disease? From their unloving, uncaring, selfish, inconsiderate PARENTS. These children did not just pop out and say "ok folks now I will become infected with HIV/AIDS." How come no one wants to go after the parents who caused this to happen or have them being banned, quarantine or tarred and feathered? Oh no we mustn't say anything to the adults, we might offend them or thread on their civil rights. The children have no rights apparently.

Before we know it the ACLU will be rounding up all these children and shipping them off to an underground cave somewhere so the world will be protected.

I bet you never think about your coworkers, the employees at your favorite eating establishment, the doctor, the dentist, the shoe employee, the grocery store employees or any public place you frequent having the HIV/AID virus.

You know what else is so very sad? A lot of these narrow minded, uninformed, uneducated people are professing Christians. They don't want a child around them with this virus, but they will hug and just carry on with someone who has an airborne disease. Hypocrites. They will have a lot to answer for when it comes to talking with God over the children.

I believe the greatest commandment Jesus left with us is LOVE. Please don't use that word and turn right around and reject an innocent child. There can't be any Godly LOVE in anyone who is willing to turn their backs on children. Makes me think there ain't a lot of Bible reading going on anymore. The following scripture describes so many people so well:

Job 41:24
His heart is as firm as a stone; yea, as hard as a piece of the nether [millstone].

Reckon when some of these people are going to wake up and realize that we now are living in a world that has inside toilets, running water and even electric lights? Yes, computers even. So flip a switch, turn on the lights and get a grip on what is really going on around you. Stop being one of the "dark age people."

God's Blessings to each of you,


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