Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Psalms 11 in the Lord I take refuge, how can I? Everything that can is going wrong, what can I do? I see the Lord in His temple, His throne. He is righteous, he loves justice, and I will see His face.

Psalm 12 says help Lord. Where are the Godly people? Everyone lies! Verse 4 tells us we will triumph over our tongues; we own our lips, who is our Master? The Lord says because of oppression of the weak, and the groaning of the needy “I will arise now…protect them.” His words are flawless; He will keep us safe, protecting us from such people forever.

Psalm 13 is calling out to the Lord. How long will you forget me, how long will you hide your face from me. I wrestle with thoughts; there is sorrow in my heart. My enemy triumphs over me. Look on me Lord and answer me, give light to my eyes or I will sleep in death. My enemies say they have overcome me, and rejoice when I fall. But I trust in Your unfailing love, my heart rejoices in Your salivation. I will sing to the Lord He has been good to me.

Psalm 14 tells us that fools say there is no God. They are corrupt, vile, and no good. The Lord looks down for those who understand and seek after Him. God is present with the righteous. You evildoers frustrate our plans, but the Lord is our refuge.

Psalm 15 speaks of whom may dwell in His sanctuary, live on His Holy Hill. Those who walk blameless, do what is righteous, and speaks the truth from their heart. They have no slander on their lips, does his neighbor no wrong, and cast no slur on his fellowmen. He despises vile man. He honors those who fear the Lord. Keeps his oaths, even when it hurts. Lends money with usury, and does not accept bribes. He who does these things will never be shaken.

Proverbs 3 says do not forget, keep these commands in your heart. Why? They will prolong your life many years. They will bring you prosperity. Never let love and faithfulness leave you, bind them to yourself.


Psalms 11-15
I will rejoice in the Lord. He hears my cries, He gives me the desires of my heart, He keeps me from the backbiters. I know in whom I have placed my trust and I WILL NOT BE MOVED. Again it explains who will be in the tabernacle of the Almighty and who won't. I can flee like a bird to the hills and rest in the Lord. Woe unto them that come after the Lord's people. Their part and portion shall be in the lake of fire. Their chosen path.

Proverbs 3
God loves me. He is all the time giving troubles and trials to me, He takes me right on thru them. We are not to think that we know it all. We must remember that only God knows all things. I will trust only in Him and His ways. He is the one that guides my feet along the path that I must trod. His understanding that is in my heart is better than rubies, silver or gold. His knowledge and understanding sure will last longer than rubies, silver or gold. It is my protection. Thank You God for giving Your Word to me to hide in my heart and the privilege of knowing You.

God Bless,

2Sa 22:7
In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry [did enter] into his ears.


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