Friday, December 28, 2007


Good works have the glory of God as their object; and they have the revealed will of God as their only rule (Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18, 19).
Source: Easton's Bible Dictionary
Deuteronomy 12:32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.
Work for God should be done with holy joy and cheerfulness. Even children and servants must rejoice before God; the services of God are to be a pleasure, and not a task or drudgery.
Whether we eat or drink, or whatever we do, we are commanded to do all to the glory of God. And we must do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to the Father through Him.
"You shall not add thereto any inventions of your own, under pretence of making the ordinance either more significant or more magnificent, nor diminish from it, under pretence of making it more easy and practicable, or of setting aside that which may be spared; but observe to do all that, and that only, which God has commanded." We may then hope in our worship to obtain the divine acceptance when we observe the divine appointment. God will have His own work done in His own way.
By forbidding the addition, or diminishing of anything, He plainly condemns as illegitimate whatever men invent of their own imagination; whence it follows that they, who in worshipping God are guided by any rule save that which He Himself has prescribed, make to themselves false gods; and, therefore, horrible vengeance is denounced by Him against those who are guilty.
Now, since all the ceremonies of the Papal worship are a mass of superstitions, no wonder that all her chief rulers and ministers should be blinded with that stupidity wherewith God has threatened them (John Calvin).
So we see our inward satisfaction will be more and more, as we abound in love and good works, which spring from faith and the in-dwelling Spirit of Christ.
God's blessings to each of you,


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