Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Pray and pray some more. Pastors just like all men/woman are human and imperfect. We do though need to be in fellowship with like believers. It is in a good church that we are taught and can find mentors that will help us with our walk.

What do you want to look for in a church? As a new believer we want to seek out a church that actually has classes for new believers. This is not always possible in small towns, a good church though will take the time to show you the way to walk for the Lord. It has to be a true Bible church. We do not want traditions. We are babies and need good milk that can be digested until we are ready for solid meat. We need a place were we can be guided to grow and walk with the Lord.

Can you picture starting school in the 9th grade. You would walk into class and be lost. Not all believers grow at the same level. Everyone is not called to be the same. The church that is right for your neighbor might not be right for you. You do though need to fellowship with others. We can pray alone, read the Bible alone, but we cannot fellowship alone. Once we are born again we become a part of God's family. Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

We are a part of the body of Christ, not a whole alone. We are brothers and sisters with all our family. There are over 1500 different kinds of churches. We realize it is not an easy task to choose the one that is right for you. This is why you must pray and seek the Lord. You might attend a church and walk away with the feeling it is not right for you, and most likely it is not. Do not give up, keep seeking.
Whatever church you do decide to attend remember you cannot join a church by signing a document, sitting for an examination, writing your resolution, or making up your mind. If you are born of God, you are already in.

We recommend that when you do search for a church that you take notes and study what you are taught. Ask Questions, do not accept what you are told, test the Spirit. God has given us His Word and we can read and find out what God has to say. If the teaching does not line up, then it would be best for you to try another church.

For us older Christians there might come a time when we have outgrown the church we are in. There is a time and season for all things. If your season has ended in one church you should move on to continue to grow in the Lord. Ecclesiastes 3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

I know a couple that the Lord lead to join a church that did not believe in speaking in tongues. They stepped out in faith and did as the Lord directed. They became good friends with the Pastor and he is now speaking in tongues, most of the church is following in line.

There is a place for you and the Lord will lead you to it. Do not expect to find perfect people. What you will find is a place where you are lead by the Lord to grow in Him.

God Bless Indeed

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