Monday, November 08, 2010


Acts 3:4b-5

Then Peter said, "Look at us!" So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.

I have always thought this is a bold statement, when Peter says, "Look at us!" What would someone see if they looked at me? I'm not talking about Sunday mornings, but what about Tuesday when I'm late for work? Or at the gas station? Or waiting in line at a department store?

The man gave Peter and John his attention because he expected to get something from them. What would someone in need expect to get from you?

This question was made real to me on a recent Sunday morning (not an entirely fair test as I had on my "Sunday" attitude). I had just parked on the street (to make room for visitors in the parking lot) and was hustling up Crown Valley Parkway (the main thoroughfare on which my church is located) to set up the Men's Ministry Table at church. A woman stopped me and asked if it was okay if she attended church here. You see she was homeless, carrying her possessions on her back, and didn't want other people to feel uncomfortable with her presence.

Later as I reflected on this experience and how I handled it, I was reminded of this scripture: "Look at us (the church, you, and me)." I thought as an extension of Jesus we were probably failing if anyone had to ask if they would be welcome to worship with us. Then I thought about how she perceived me -- did she see pity, arrogance, or impatience? Or did she see love, compassion, kindness, and patience?

What about you? What do people see when they see you -- the world's burdens -- or Jesus? What would you like them to see? What is in your heart and dominating your thoughts?

What do visitors see when they come to your church? Help them find a warm and welcoming congregation filled with people willing to share the Gospel. How is your church doing in terms of sharing faith in Christ?

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