Friday, January 14, 2011


Acts 6:1a

In those days when the number of disciples was increasing…

Previously, in Acts 2:47 the Lord added to their number; in Acts 5:1-12, using the example of Annanias and Sapphira the Lord subtracted from their number; then in Acts 5:14-15 the Lord once again added to their number. Now in Acts 6:1, the number was increasing -- or a different translation from the King James version is "multiplied."

Up until this time, the Lord had added to their number, but after the subtraction -- when people realized this wasn't just the latest fad -- the Lord once again added to their number which led to a multiplication (from a foundation of those who were strongly committed).

So it is with us as well. When we allow the Lord to work in our lives, we grow. But when we are challenged, tempted, and persecuted -- yet continue to seek the Lord is when we really experience the blessing of multiplication.

Do you feel like you are in a time of:

* Addition -- Is the Lord calling you into ministry or slowly adding to your present ministry?

* Subtraction -- Is your ministry area drying up or becoming less effective? Have you lost your passion for service?

* Multiplication -- Is your ministry area growing exponentially?

What could the Lord be teaching you through this experience?

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