Tuesday, February 15, 2011


By Bishop Keith Butler

You are a covenant person because you walk in love, not because you go to church. You are a covenant person not because you can quote the scripture. You are a covenant person because you have made a decision to walk like Jesus, and walk in love with the brethren. Your brothers are Jesus’ brothers; and that is who He cares about. And whatever He cares about, you care about. You therefore resolve that you will love like Jesus loved.

Jesus said to continue in His way of love, in His style of love. If you keep His commandment – that is, if you love one another, as he loved us - then you are His disciple. He didn’t say just love, He said love like He loves.

He said love like Him. It takes the power of God to do that. If most people had the ability to manifest divine power like Jesus did, they would heal people and minister to them. Then when they turn on them like they turned on Jesus, they’d be ready to zap them to ashes. But that is not what Jesus did. He didn’t render evil for evil. He rendered love for evil, and blessings for contrary words. He prayed for those who used Him despitefully. And because of it He had divine power and protection so that what they said and what they did had no affect on him.

That is what He wants you to do. When you walk in love, people may come against you, but they will not have any affect on you. When you walk in love you are kept in covenant and blessings are released on your behalf. So prepare yourself now to decide what you will do every time you come up against adversity. What is the love way to go? Well, that way is the protection way. That is the way that will turn out and cause you to win in the middle of the test and trial.

Scripture Of The Day: "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you." John 15:12 (KJV)

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