Thursday, March 31, 2011


ACTS 7:32 "'I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.' Moses trembled with fear and did not dare to look."

God doesn't have an identity problem -- He knows who He is. The problem is: Do we know who He is? Because what He represents to us in our lives (not as some nebulous principle), is how we will define Him to our friends, families, business associates, etc. Do we respect Him? Are we in awe of Him? Do we fear Him?

I think it's funny how the world defines God: God is love (as if that's all He is -- all warm and cuddles -- does that mean He stops loving as in a divorce?); God is in the smile of a child (what about when the child frowns or misbehaves -- is God still there or does He leave?); God is in nature (what they're talking about is a flower or a waterfall -- but what about a flood or a hurricane that cost hundreds of lives and millions of dollars -- is God in that part of nature as well?). Describing God in those terms only reveals how much you don't know about God. It's like someone saying they know you -- when they've only seen you in the distance, or defining your profession and all of your ability by a bird cage you built when you were 5 years old. It's ridiculous.

Here's what God tells Moses about Himself: "I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." What do you think was God's point in that statement? I think He's reminding Moses, "I have written an autobiography about myself -- remember what I've said and what I've done throughout history -- then you know something about Me and will be ready to understand the meaning and intent of this personal experience."

I believe God speaks to us all the time through personal "burning bushes." The problem is: We don't recognize who He is because we aren't familiar with Him. When my son Ryan played football -- from the distance of the stands, I could recognize him when he ran on the field (without seeing the number on his jersey). Why? Because I'm familiar with him and I know a lot about him. I know how he runs; I know how he stands; I know what position he plays; I know how tall he is; I know what style of helmet and face mask he wears. But my friends may not be able to recognize him. Why? -- Because they don't know Ryan as well as I do.

How well do you know God? Can you name 5 things God says about Himself? 10? How about 20? In Scripture, God has described Himself to us in great detail. How can you recognize or understand God's meaning in an experience if you are unfamiliar with who He says He is? What can you do today to begin to know God better?

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