Monday, February 06, 2012


These next two Bible Verses for the day are two of the most important in all of the Bible. After you get saved and born again in the Lord, that is just the very beginning of your new journey with Him. From there, God will expect you to grow in His knowledge and grace.

The Bible says we are actually transformed by the renewing of our mind, and part of that process is the acquiring of knowledge and then implementng that knowledge in our daily walk with the Lord.

We have to develop right thinking in our thought process and the only way to develop right thinking is to have the right kind of knowledge instilled into us. And the only way to get the right kind of knowledge instilled into us is to get it directly from the Bible. There is no other earthly source where we can get the right kind of knowledge to transform and renew us other than from the Holy Bible.

These next two verses will tell us the extreme importance that we seek after the knowledge of God for our lives, for without His knowledge helping to guide our lives, we can literally go into captivity and be destroyed.

These next two verses are only one-line sentences, but they are both giving us major revelation on what we should all be seeking after with the Lord. Here they are:

1. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6)

2. “Therefore My people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge …” (Isaiah 5:13)

Again, this is one of the main reasons we have started up this kind of website, to take a lot of the Bible verses per subject matter and group them all together per article so you can see exactly what God is trying to teach you.

God can transmit knowledge direct to you through the Holy Spirit, but the main way He is going to teach you all of His ways is through His written Word – the Bible! That is why each Christian should spend what quality time they reasonably can in the Bible, so they can acquire all of the knowledge and revelation that God would like them to have for this life.

And to think that God has all of the knowledge that He would like us to have for this life is all contained in one Holy Book! Unbelievable!

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