Saturday, April 07, 2012


In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. . . ~ Romans 12:6

Jesus told the story of a wealthy man who was leaving on a long trip. He called his servants together and delivered to each a measure of money. The man "gave five bags of silver to one, two bags of silver to another, and one bag of silver to the last—dividing it in proportion to their abilities. He then left on his trip" (Matthew 25:15).

In his absence, one servant invested wisely and turned his five bags into ten. The other took two bags and multiplied them to four. And the last guy took his single bag and buried it in the ground.

Here is what we need to remember: God is the one who distributes everything. Some people live long lives. Some people live short lives. Some people have great health. Some people have poor health. Some people have great talents. Some people have only a few. But we deal with what we're given.

Sometimes we think, I wish I was as beautiful as her. Or, I wish I was as smart as him. Or, I wish I was as talented as that person. You have what God has given you. So take it and cultivate it and use it.

I have seen people with very little ability work very hard, be very diligent, and become very successful in life. And I have seen others who had so much talent, ability, and everything going their way, and they squandered it and threw it away. So it is really up to us as to what we do with what God has given us.

We have all been given certain spiritual gifts when we put our faith in Christ. So take those gifts that God has given, cultivate them, and use them.

…..Greg Laurie as seen in Harvest Daily Devotion by way of Cup O'Cheer ( and “Christian Voices” (

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