A few words on the Bible Truth from todays Sunday School Lesson, “David Embodies God’s Justice” (Scripture Reference: 2Samuel 23:1-7).
God is faithful to His Covenant, even when we are not.
We are all subject to fall. We are all subject to go astray and drift. As the Sunday School Lesson Commentary says, “No matter how powerful, wealthy, or talented a person becomes…none of us ever escapes the reality that ‘sin is crouching at the door, it desires to have you’ ” (Genesis 4:7, NIV). We must, therefore, be watchful because the Devil is seeking any and all occassions to get us caught up in sin. And if we are not careful, we can get so caught up in the Devil’s web of deceit that we end up losing all that we have gained in Christ: peace, joy, a good name, etc.
Yet, all is not loss. So long as we are living, we have a chance to “get it right.” As long as their is breath in our mortal bodies, we can turn to God in repentance. The Lesson Commentary says it this way
…Despite the seriousness of our sins, God can speak and work through our lives to bring an enrichment to individuals and society as a whole and bring honor to Himself. For that to happen, a person must be willing to return to God in repentance as David did (Psalm 51).
No matter what we have done, so long as we have not committed the unpardonable sin, we can come to God and receive His forgiveness and restoration. We don’t have to spend out lives in the pig’s pen. We can return to the Father with a broken and contrite heart… He will not turn away the heart that comes to him humbled and full of brokeness. He is faithful to His Word. He is faithful to His promises. “Even if we are faithless, He remains faithful. He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13)
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