None of us is perfect, and we accept that. But are we also accepting that in which we really do not agree with? You know what we mean, it is just better to say nothing than to point out something wrong? We know that it is not our place to change others, but what you accept as okay do we or should we allow to step into our life's? As your Sister would we let you walk out into the world with your dress caught up in your underwear? Of course not. Then if we do call you Sister, when you go to step into our homes and life's with certain lifestyles, we do have a right to stop you at the door. If you are willing to step into our life's then you are agreeing to know that we do in fact disagree with certain things. You have freedom of choice, we though also have that same freedom. If it lines up with God's Word that certain behaviors and acceptance of certain things are wrong, then to us they are in fact wrong. We will not change to have you in our life's. God Bless recj/LJG
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