Our neighborhoods are no longer as safe as they used to be. Bizarre, random, and senseless type crimes seem to be on the increase with all of the shootings that have occurred at our high schools, and now in our churches and in the courthouses themselves with the latest round of senseless tragedies that have just occurred.
All of us, to one degree or another, have been wronged in some way throughout the course of our lives. And for some, these wrongs have been vicious, nasty, and sometimes extremely traumatic – especially those who have been victims of crimes such as rapes, assaults, robberies, and actual murders of close friends or family.
Per the 15 articles I just did on all of the end time events that will lead up to “The 2nd Coming of Jesus,” the Bible has already predicted that the love of many will grow cold as we enter into end times. The Bible says that many will become lovers of self, unholy, proud, unloving, without self-control, brutal and lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God and His ways. Paul talks about these traits in 2 Timothy 3:1, and says that all of this will occur in the last days.
Being brutal and without self-control may help explain some of the really bizarre crimes that we are starting to see more of with the random type shootings that are occurring in our schools and other public places. Even our own government has to keep reminding us of the dangers of possible further terrorist activity anywhere and at anytime, and that we have to keep a sharp lookout just within our own natural surroundings as you never know when the next land-mine may go off. All of this kind of heightened activity can really start to erode a person’s ability to be able to trust anyone.
For many others, they have a hard time in being able to trust anyone as a result of some degree of physical and/or verbal abuse they have suffered from either their parents or their spouses. Spousal abuse in this country is still out of control with the number of women who are being severely beaten by either their husbands or boyfriends.
Many people have been so badly beaten and abused during the course of their lives, that they no longer have any ability to trust anyone – including God Himself! A dog can only take so much of a beating. After a certain amount of time, the dog will no longer trust anyone, including his own master.
As a result of the curse of Adam and Eve that is still in full operation on this earth, there is always going to be a certain amount of wrongs that we will all have to put up with – no exceptions! Nobody comes out of this life unscathed with all the people who have chosen with their own free wills to live this life on the dark side.
However, for Christians, no matter how badly you have been beaten up in your past, the one thing that you cannot have affected is your ability to trust in your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our heavenly Father. As a result of the beatings that some of God’s people have taken over the years, some of these people have literally lost their ability to even trust in God Himself.
It is one thing to have faith in God, to know that God exists, and that He is all-powerful and that there is nothing that He cannot do or accomplish – but it is quite another thing to be able to fully trust God with your life, and to fully trust Him to properly handle it for you, especially if everyone in your past has let you down in one way or another.
For those of you who are have having problems in being able to fully trust the Lord with your entire life, I will give you 15 very powerful and profound verses from the Bible showing you that not only does God want you to fully trust Him with your life – but that it is a vital necessity that you learn to how to do so.
I believe that faith and trust go hand in hand. They are like a one-two punch. First you must have faith that God exists, that He is who the Bible says He is, and that you are truly saved under the shed Blood of His Son Jesus Christ. However, there is now one more big step you must take after you have this kind of faith in God.
Once you are saved, then you must be willing to fully surrender your entire life over to God the Father so that He can then enter you into His perfect plan and destiny for your life. Per the article I just did titled, “The Full Surrender,” you must become both saved and surrendered, not just saved.
God has a specific purpose and plan for each person’s life. Your life is no longer your own. You have been bought at a price and God now wants to do something very specific with your life.
Many Christians already know this, but they are still having a very hard time in actually trusting God to handle their lives for them. Even though they know God is totally perfect and that He can perfectly handle and direct their lives much better than they can do – they are still having a hard time in making that leap, in clearing that final hurdle to completely turn the reigns of their entire live over to God the Father for Him to fully handle.
To any Christian who is having a hard time in clearing this final hurdle with God, you must make a final decision sooner or later as to who is going to run your life – you or God. And the longer you wait, and the longer you keep from making this final decision, the more years you are going to lose in this life in being able to produce any real lasting fruit in the Lord.
For those of you whose final hurdle is this trust factor – you simply have to do what Peter did when he stepped out of the boat to start walking on water. You must take a big leap of faith and dive off that cliff, and decide that you will now fully trust in God and that you will now follow His Holy Spirit in the direction that He will want to take your life in.
No matter how bad you have been hurt in your past, and no matter how many people have hurt you in your past – you must now learn to fully trust God with both yourself and with your entire life.
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