Part 2: Moving from our Comfort Zone:
This is God’s Promise to us when we are willing to move and go where we have never gone before:
Often we feel we are set for life in the way we prepare, such as education, jobs, family and those things that contribute to our productivity. How often do we slow down, take a moment of solitude to reflect on how we’ve managed to move forth as well as express moments of gratitude or thanksgiving. Becoming comfortable where we are can put us at a disadvantage, we fail to see the full picture of where God wants to take us. It is so easy to assume a routine mundane life pattern, yet God has promised us abundant glorious living in heavenly places, if only we are able to comprehend the full meaning of his promise.
Focus: Moving From the Comfort Zone
Consider Moses and the Israelites when he in obedience to the call of God, followed instructions. Once freedom from bondage was no longer a yoke around their necks, they soon lost focus of the vision and began to grumble and complain (as we do today). When we find ourselves in certain positions do we revert to the past or continue on until we come face to face with reality. The Israelite complained, “If only we had died by the Lord’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted (comfort zone), but you (Moses and Aaron) have brought us into this desert to starve this entire assembly to death” (Exodus 16:3, NIV).
The Israelites had lost sight of the long term goal soon into their journey. But God, being the God he is (Love), listened and responded. Are we so different today? What we must do is believe and trust God, allow room in our lives to give ample space and time for growth his way.
When we move from the comfort zone we soon realize that what we gain here really has little value considering the bigger picture and where the Holy Spirit wants to take us. Through the many toils of this life we can very easily lose focus as to our purpose here if we get so relaxed and feel there is no need to move from the comfort zone. Within the confines of our comfort zone do we even think of others, do we take a moment to pray for them, do we share as Jesus did without hesitation? Much is required when we as Christians decides to take up our cross and follow the pattern Jesus gave. Jesus never grumbled when he was about his mission simply because it was a mission of love outside the comfort zone, touching lives while ministering to the people.
Consider the many followers of Christ, when you read scripture you find them on their mission with no specific destination in mind within this earthly journey. Paul said, “I give up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering and go all the way with him to death itself” (Philippians 3:10-11). He was willing to move from the comfort zone no matter the cost.
Moving from the comfort zone will at times bring us into direct contact with obstacles and may cause us to lose focus, because we are caught up in the moment, forgetting whose we are. If we want what God has for us, we must stay focused on that goal. Even if our circumstances push us from the comfort zone we are blessed beyond measures. We belong to Christ and are therefore “citizens of high heaven”. When the Master Jesus arrives he will transform our earthly bodies into glorious bodies like his own, he’ll make us beautiful and whole.
In conclusion, when we are able to recognize the fact that times will come where we find ourselvesmoving from the comfort zone, willingly or unwillingly, we must rely on the Master to carry us through. So if we find ourselves worrying about what we do or do not have, making choices and decisions we are unsure of or whatever life throws our way, simply set aside time to pray. As Paul so simply stated, “meditating on things that are true, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious–the best not the worst”(Philippians 4:8-9 MGS), learn to find contentment in whatever state we may find our-selves. Be thankful and embrace the message of our Master Jesus, love people where they are because our mission is not to change people but to give them insight into what it is God has to offer, spiritual blessings so much so that our minds cannot even begin to imagine.

Labels: blogging, dating, dreams, faith, goals, health, hopes, jobs, life, life relationships, plans, poetry, relationships, religion, romance, sermons, travel, work, writing
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