MATTHEW 6:1-18
In secret we are to do our deeds before the Lord and He will reward us openly. What we do for the public to see is already rewarded for it is done to be seen.
Verse 17 says when you fast, anoint you head and wash your face. Verse 18 says so you do not appear to others to be fasting.
Why do some feel they need to show the world, "TODAY I DID THIS FOR MY LORD!"
There was actually a traffic jam in a part of our city that during the week sees little traffic. It was heard spoken by many "I have to go get my ashes." I wanted to ask, ashes for what? There was no reason given only to get ashes. Part of me wanted to say there is an ashtray, "go for it."
Priest in long robes walked the halls of the hospital for those whom were not able to attend services. I am not speaking of patients in rooms, rather people in walkways.
Whose attention was gotten. To those of us who know the truth we saw the lost, the mislead. Sad. One young lady said "I have always done it, so I do it.
People stepping out in faithful groups to follow a tradition that keeps them in bondage to a world of lies.
We wonder how the Lord looked upon this. Verse 5 "Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward."
God Bless,
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