Thursday, March 14, 2013


One of the greatest questions we can ask ourselves is:  Did Jesus make a difference in our life's?  If yes, then what have we done with that difference?

Dionysius Exiguus [Denis the Short] a sixth century monk who created our dating system of B.C. AND A.D.[anno Domini, "in the year of our Lord"] on the basis of earlier rabbinical models made a miscalculation.  The irony being that Jesus was born between 6 and 4 B.C. [before Christ].

The word Gospel can be traced back to the Greek 'euaggelion.'  The Greek prefix eu- meaning good, becomes in Latin ev-.  The Greek stem aggel-becomes Latin angel-.  The Greek ending -os and the Lation -us indicate a [male] person.  The Greek -ion and the Latin -ium indicate a thing.  Agelos and angelus mean messenger, while euaggelion and evangelium mean good message, whence gives us the English words evangelize and evangelist.

Baptist means immersion.  Bathing was a common practice among Jews, for whom it was chiefly a purification after sex or contact with a corpse.  They associated it with release from ritual sin [sin incurred by transgressing something taboo] and new health and wholeness.

For those that believe that Mary remained a virgin, how then did Jesus get birth?  Her hymen had to have been broken during the birth of Jesus, and an unbroken hymen is what makes a virgin a virgin.  Did the afterbirth remain in her, what pray tell happened to the placenta?

Rabbinical tradition holds that the Messiah will come the moment every Jew observes the Sabbath.

Orthodox Jews in Israel are zealous in their observance of the Law, we have listed only a few examples of how they prepare for Sabbath.  Many elevators are programmed to run continuously for the 24 hour period, stopping on each floor, so a person does not have to press a button.  Lights, and appliances are set on timers.  Refrigerators are designed so the light will not come on when the door is opened.
Only in a life-threatening situation can an automobile be driven.  The ignition of the spark plugs constitutes 'building a fire.'

Are we willing to deprive ourselves, clear a place for Jesus above and beyond all the earthly pleasures in the world?

God is much more generous than you, more loving than you can even imagine.  Ask boldly and without fear if you believe He really is your Father.

God Bless,


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