Posted on May 1, 2013 by mtsweat
Author: CCRagamuffin

If I wrote my life story, the names would have to be changed to protect the guilty. Or so I joke. Half seriously. And yet, whenever I am asked that ice-breaker question of “if you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?” I always say, “There isn’t anything I would change.” Not because my life has been perfect, but because every factor in it has made me who I am at this very moment, and I can’t choose what part of me to abandon.
A boy is born into a persecuted minority family; he had to be hidden from sight to save his life; left floating in a basket in a river; adopted by a member of the persecuting elite but nursed and cared for by his birth mother; taken away from his mother, again; raised in luxury; given an advanced education; mighty in word as a statesman and in deed as a soldier; murderer; fugitive. What would he change about his life? And if he did change something, how dramatically would the history of the Israelites be changed?
When I focus on the daily entries in my diary and not on the eternal picture of my life, I can easily forget that the Author and Finisher of My Faith is writing a story that is pleasing to His purpose from the disjointed chapters I contribute. Moses was bigger than the factors of his life, because a massive narrative was being divinely composed from his journal entries. You and I can also live bigger than our lives. It can be our favorite story.
Blessings to you who meander after Moses with me,
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