1 Corinthians 14
Pursue, chase, run, follow, lead and practice love and desire crave, hunger, lust spiritual gifts. Paul wants us to go after them [love, spiritual gifts] with all we have. Then we tells us 'but especially that you may prophesy.
Do you feel we are going in circles repeating ourselves. No we want to stress what is a misunderstanding with many believers. To be saved is to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the Comforter which Jesus told us He would send to all who are saved.
Could it be the very reason Paul is repeating himself in 1 Corinthians 14 is to stress this point. We should all speak in tongues but there are other gifts. Was Paul in fact saying okay I know you do, I hear you, BUT do you have knowledge, wisdom, prophecy, faith, healing's, miracles, discernment, different tongues, can you interpret. What can you do besides speak in tongues. There are other parts of this gift. Gifts that help others besides yourself. Is this what Paul is saying what part of the gift are you using to benefit others?
We need to seek/ask for what we are not operating in. Speaking in tongues is awesome, that is evidence but operating in the rest of the gift [yes it is all one gift] is also evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit.
We encourage you to read and ask for understanding of the 14th Chapter. To operate in the rest of the gift.
God Bless
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