Monday, June 10, 2013


This is the topic of the movie I was going to share the
other night but I wanted to watch the full version a
2nd time.
Here's the synopsis from their website.
MOST, the Czech word for "The Bridge," is a fitting
title for this 21st-century parable about a loving
father, his young son, and the fateful day when they
attempt to head off an impending rail disaster.
Hundreds of passengers aboard an oncoming steam train
are completely unaware of the danger that looms as they
head toward an open drawbridge.
As a desperate young woman witnesses an act of mercy
beyond imagination, her life is changed forever--as are
the lives of all who see this film.
Both heart wrenching and glorious, MOST vividly
portrays the greatest offering of love, sacrifice,
hope, and forgiveness known to man.
I first watched a 9 minute summary of it and then I had
to find the full version.
I really encourage everyone to take out 30 minutes and
view this movie. It does have English subtitles so you
can follow along.
This was really was gut and heart wrenching when you
put yourself in this man's shoes.
  • What would you do?
  • We know what the right answer is but would you?
That was the question I was asking myself. And to be
quite honest, I'm not sure if I would make the same
One thing I have now learned being a parent all of 15
1/2 months and I learned this pretty quickly and that
is... I can  sympathize so much more and feel the pain of
someone who has lost a child.
It's not to say I didn't before but now, it's just on
so much of a greater level now that I have a child.
My heart just breaks for anyone who has gone through
the loss of a child, especially a younger one. I am not
sure how people without Jesus can even cope with such a
Then I reflect back on this movie and realize this guy
had such a profound love for these people that he
didn't even know  that he sacrificed his son so they
would live. Sound familiar, can we say John 3:16.
Yes, the movie is an evangelistic movie to help get
people to realize that God sacrificed His Son so we
would have life, an eternal life at that.
And we need to have an heavenly perspective when
viewing this.
I caught myself thinking too deeply into this and what
I mean is, how would I feel afterwards on whatever
decision I made, how would I cope. See, that to me is
getting off the message.
The message was our life on this earth  is so short, as
James 3 says, our life is but a vapor and we can't even
begin to imagine eternity. Heck, I complain when a day
goes by too slow, haha 
This reminds me of a story I heard some years ago of a
skydiver instructor over in the UK .. ( I think it was
there)... and when he was in the air with a client, he
realized his parachute was stuck and would not open.
He then asked the guy if he was saved and he said, no.
So he switched positions with him and told him, I am, I
know Jesus Christ and when I die, I will be in heaven,
you will not and I can't have you die now without a
chance of salvation so he switched positions so he
would be on the bottom of the fall and hopefully break
and save this gentleman's life.
The Christian guy did die but the guy survived and I
believe he got saved:) At least I would hope so after a
stranger sacrificed his own life for him.
But I think most would agree that it would be easier
for us to sacrifice our own life for a stranger instead
of sacrificing our child's life for a stranger or mass
of people.
I asked my wife, Tina what she would do and her answer
gave a whole new twist to it. She said it depends if
Jordan was saved or not. If he was saved, then I would
save the people.
In the movie, the boy seemed about 7 to 9 years old so
he would be considered under age of accountability and
be in heaven with Jesus. But what if the boy was say,
17 years old and not saved. hmmm... yeah, I know, now
what decision would you make? Especially when you
really don't have time to think, literally a minute or
less, that's it.
I took some time to let this movie sink in and my
prayer after this was...
My Father, help me love people and see people the way
You do.
Help me see through your eyes and not mine. And help me
to have an eternal, heavenly perspective on life, help
and empower me to live as Christ and not as of myself.
Help me to see the value in all life, not just people's
live I may deem of value. Help me be a light in our
dark world and change me to become like your Son, my
Savior, Jesus.
And what would you do if you were in this man's shoes?
Here's the link to both the shorter summary and to the
I encourage you to watch the full version but if you can't, 
then please watch the 9 minute version. You will be changed!  :)
Loving Christ and People,
Chris Bradley
Happy Moments, Praise God
Difficult Moments, Seek God
Quiet Moments, Worship God
Painful Moments, Trust God
Every Moment, Thank God

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