Monday, August 19, 2013


Romans 8:15b
...but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."

Thoughts for Today:

The word "Abba" is Aramaic for "Daddy". It is an interesting word in that it remains one of the few un-translated Aramaic words in our Bible. Research tells us the translators of the first English Bibles did not translate "Abba" due to their great respect for the Word of God. Why? Because "Daddy" is a very personal reference to God. They felt the danger might be to create an over-familiarity with God and subsequent lack of reverence. It is my personal belief that up close and personal -- family -- is precisely the type of relationship God wants us to have with Him. (Perhaps the reason He caused it to go un-translated for all these years is so we would draw special attention to the word "Abba" thereby studying it in greater detail.) Regardless of the reasons, "Daddy" completely expresses our heartfelt cry to our Father for help in times of trouble.
Recently my nine year old daughter Amanda has been learning to do handstands. This has not been without its fair share of tumbles, bumps, and bruises. Last night I heard a yelp, followed by sobbing, then a cry for "Daddy!" I had been watching her out of the corner of my eye, so when she fell I was already up, out of my chair, and rushing to her rescue.
The Bible tells us, when we became believers in the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus Christ, we also "received the Spirit of sonship." In other words, we were adopted into the family of God; and just like any other child, we have been given the right to cry out to our Father in Heaven -- "Abba!" Isn't that beautiful?

Questions to Ponder:

The more subtle meaning behind this concept of "sonship" is that God, as the ultimate and definitive example of a loving parent, also keeps His watchful eye over us -- His children. As earthly parents we know how hard we try to keep a protective eye upon our children. And it doesn't matter whether they are nine years old, nineteen or twenty-nine. How much more so is God's ear attuned to our voice? His eye upon our lives? Have you called upon Him recently? Will you call upon Him today? Right now call "Abba, father, Abba!" He will come. He will answer.


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