“FOR” – “GIVE”

I was brought back to just a few months ago when the Lord supernaturally did something in my heart and felt today the need to “share this”
Perhaps there are some who need to hear because they may be dealing with a situation similar.
Please be encouraged.
Have You Ever Had Something Happen That Caused So Much Hurt/Pain That You Struggled With Forgiving The Offense?
Forgiving for some is a very difficult process.Forgiveness is a Biblical mandate. God expects us to forgive after all He has forgiven us.
He does not hold a record of all our wrong-doings so why do we hold on to wrong done to us?
As if somehow by holding on we are justified by doing so! There isn’t any justification under any circumstance not to forgive.
Unforgiveness will greatly hinder or even halt our walk with God and even negatively impact “everything” and “everyone” around us!
I had a situation that happened a few years ago by a group of individuals that cut me to the core. The hurt was so deep that it took years to forgive.
For some this is not an area of struggle and Praise God!
For some people they are very quick to forgive no matter the circumstances and again Praise God! What a blessing!
For others including myself it’s a struggle.
A weakness that needs to be brought before the Lord so that He can help us.
This is speaking to some of you and you’re not alone. Don’t be discouraged. Don’t beat yourself up.
One could not know the personal struggle you faced or may be facing now, but take heart God is with you in your struggle and He knows your heart in everything.
For me it was very frustrating because I kept saying for several years, yes years! “I forgive them” “I forgive them” “I forgive them” but nothing happened.
The bitterness, anger, resentment was still there even though I was trying so hard and trying to do the right thing!
It wore me out and after some time, I just became more frustrated and even disheartened because after all we’re supposed to forgive and it didn’t’ make sense that nothing was changing.
There was some things I didn’t understand about forgiveness that God needed to teach me before “He” would walk me through forgiveness toward
Notice I said “towards” freedom. There is a process in forgiveness. Especially if the wounds are deep rooted.
What the Lord had revealed to me personally was that because the wounds were so deep my heart was shattered.
I couldn’t fix my heart.
It was in pieces and only God could heal my broken heart. He had to “prepare” my heart to be able to forgive.
I kept trying but then something supernatural occurred in my heart that God performed and at that point when I forgave it was different. It was real. It was genuine. It was deep. God supernaturally worked in my heart and mind to bring about a real change.
It was a combination of heart, mind, and His Perspective. It was supernatural which is hard to explain or put into words.
It was heart surgery to bring about a change of heart.
For some of you struggling with forgiveness, please don’t beat yourself up or be ashamed. Deep hurt might have caused your heart to be shattered.
It’s going to be ok. God is not angry or ashamed of you because He knows all and just like with me, He sees the effort. He sees the struggle.
I want to encourage you to just ask God to prepare your heart to forgive because you have done it with your lips but there needs to be a heart surgery that only God can perform.
He is beyond willing. Just give Him your shattered heart and trust Him with the results.
Always remember this:
To forgive means you’re doing something “FOR” others and yourself.Read more: http://www.bible-knowledge.com/for-give/#ixzz2bZ9kahOJs freedom.
You “GIVE” the “gift” of forGIVEness to others and yourself.
Forgiving is giving a gift and it frees others and yourself. Amen.
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