Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wed, 19 Jul 2006


1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Matthew 2:6,30-34

Today I write about the lesson I am learning right now. Neither LJG or rECj is without fault. We are just like you. We live life one day at a time making mistakes and learning from them. The reason for this site and these writings is for you to know that you are not alone. Whether you have known the Lord for years or are new to Christ you must learn to grow.

Yesterday I woke up to a beautiful day filled with love for anyone that came my way. Things where looking up for us, and finally making headway out of a valley we had been traveling. It really doesn't matter what that valley was because we all travel them, but to help you understand I will explain a little.

My daughter and I with her 3 year old son live together. Things have been tight money wise. Until a couple of weeks ago we had both been out of work. The motor in her car blew up, and all the bills where past due. I am starting up my own business so I can be home with him and my daughter was looking for work. Finally a job. The bills are mostly caught up we are getting there. Well, someone was watching and he didn't want us to prosper so he struck, my daughters check was short, and we owed more money then she had. On top of everything the landlord says you are evicted. I sat down in a chair and all I could say was Lord I know to rejoice in everything but right now I find it very hard, but I know You have a plan.

Within 1 hour, yes, 1 hour, the landlord had money in his hand. People we owed money to said don't worry forget it and the fridge note that was due, well someone else said I have one for you. All this in 1 hour.

See God knew the devil would attack, we could have missed a blessing if we would have reacted differently. I was honest with God I did not go by my emotions, I told Him I know You have a plan. What that plan was I had no idea but I knew whatever He had was better and bigger then anything I had.

The devil is looking for a way to attack us but he cannot touch us. It is like the bully at school who is all talk but the minute anyone stands up to him he runs away. God tells us that, the devil has to flee. There have been times in my life when I didn't react the right way and fell on my face, but I pulled myself up. And if I slip tomorrow well I repent and get up. Life is learning and it never stops. But as you learn you grow.

The Bible says that if we will praise the Lord He will supply all our needs. Thank about that for a little bit. God cannot lie, if we praise Him He will take care of everything we need. We need a job, He will provide; we need food, he says He feeds the sparrows how much more will He provide for us; we need a Word from Him, a stranger will tell it to you; God is a provider. He will take care of us, if we will let Him.

Just for today every time you thank about it say Thank You Lord for_________, and fill in the blank with something that you see. Look up Thank You Lord for the sky, He did make it for us to enjoy, even rain storms are beautiful. Thank you Lord for that flower it is beautiful. Thank You Lord for the sun, the moon. Just Thank Him for something that is there that He made. The laughter of children, look for the beautiful things and if something ugly walks up turn and look for something good. It might be no more then the view out of a hospital window but look and you will find it.

We love each one of you so much. I hope that my little story will in some way touch you and inspire you to not give up. It does not matter what life will throw at you, God is stronger then it and bigger and better. If you have a problem that you don't know how to deal with ask us and we will help. We have been there and done that and here we are still alive and more then surviving. We are heirs to the throne of the One and Only Living God Almighty.

Rejoice with us, we are alive in Christ. rECj/LJG


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