Monday, September 11, 2006


Our preacher, John Sweat, Jr, preached from I Samuel 17:13-23. He started with this: "David was a nobody, who came from a family of nobody's." Which is true. They tended sheep. When it was time for Saul to anoint a new king, God rejected all but one and that was David. After David was anointed he went straight back to tending the sheep.

When God backed off and let an evil spirit come upon Saul, his advisor's told him of one that could play the harp and sooth him during these spells with the spirit. He sent for David. Where was David? Tending the sheep.

Preacher said: "David was FAITHFUL. Unlike most of us today would say, David didn't run home to daddy and tell him he could no longer tend the sheep cause he had been in the court of kings. David wrestled a bear and lion in order to protect their sheep. When it came time for the 9 foot 9 giant to be killed once again David was called. Again, he was found tending sheep.

Some people will ask the preacher for a mission to do for God and when told that mission is only to be a janitor, handy man, or some other lowly job, they refuse. They want to be in the limelight not in the background." Isn't that like so many of us today? We don't want to be like David, FAITHFUL in tending the lowly sheep. We want to be in the front of everything so we can be seen. God needs people behind the scene as well. People we never hear about or see.

Some people talk, others do, then others sweep up behind everyone. No matter what the mission God has chosen for us to do, we are to be FAITHFUL to that mission. To always thank God for the mission He has chosen for us. To always be ready to kill a giant if called upon by God to do so.

God's blessings on each of you,


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