Wednesday, September 06, 2006


From the very beginning of time God has put into place a set of boundaries to bring us out of our messes. He has a way out of any and every situation we can think of to get into. There is a
place to run to in times of trouble for safety and refuge. When we do what God tells us to do we are rescued. But again we have problems and the cycle is repeated.

As Christians we have the right to go to the altar again and again. There is no limit on how many times we can ask for forgiveness. This does not mean we try to stay in sin, or be comfortable in sin. We are to ask for deliverance for those problems that we repeat. We are to strive to be like Him, but when we do fail we can run to Him for forgiveness.

God's Word say's "He that dwell in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the Shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in Him will I trust." What mighty words from our Father to us. Trust Him, no matter what happens trust Him. Even when we fail trust Him. He will be there waiting for us.



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