Friday, August 25, 2006


I am so glad to be back. I missed writing each day. LJG though has done such a wonderful job I thank God for her each day, she has a great talent and I would be lost without her, she completes me.As she mentioned we will in the upcoming weeks be making some changes to the site with a fresh format. We hope that it will be as refreshing and alive as it is to us in these stages of preparedness.

To share with you a little we will be changing to a weekly format. It will be more detailed and more teaching, though the usual column will be the vocal point of that week's study. We will also go back to past columns and expand them. In the near future we will also be starting a study of the Book of Romans, so if you like take the time to read it through now.

As in past columns we have shared some of our personal life's. This to let you know we are human. As for my time away from the site, it started with the death of my birth mother. This is a issue we will talk on in a future column, including adoption, parents giving up children for no apparent reason the pain of not knowing parents or having a relationship with them. Just as I picked myself up I was attacked with health problems, and yes we will address healing also. Then another death and the phone rang with yet another and another. Most assuredly we will address death and the pain it can bring. There is a list of things that attacked me through the month more health problems another death, the list could go on. I will end with a cliff hanger and then there was the snake.

Sounds like a war story but through it all I said Lord what do I learn from this and this . Don't get me wrong, I asked once: I understand now can we stop already. But growth is painful. God has used this for me to reach out to a number of people that otherwise I wouldn't have. And I give glory to the Lord for in spite of all the bad the God News of Christ Jesus overpowers the bad. My daughter received a big job promotion, we where blessed going out and coming in.

It does not matter how bad things seem I have Victory in Jesus. So please don't think you are beat because you are attacked, you will survive and be stronger for it.

As always we are your servants in Christ,



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