Tuesday, August 15, 2006


rECj is a little under the weather right now. She will be back soon. There has been so much going on here that I just haven't taken the time to write. Things are getting better so....

I probably lead the parade in not taking the time to think through how my actions will and does affect those I love most in this world. Not to mention my friends. How many times do we just think whatever we do is for the good of all concerned? Or really we just think about ourselves. That is exactly what we do when we don't think it through.

Couldn't we say that we are selfish? Of course we would. Not thinking how it is going to be later on down the road, is a very selfish act. I know that better than anyone. Sometimes it cases such a break in the family that it simply can't be overcome. It is always just underneath the surface.

For some of us it is too late to make amends for our wrongs. I am praying that we will start to think through our thoughts and action before putting feet to them. Think about others first then ourselves and we will get along a whole lot better.

God's blessings on each of you,



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