Friday, August 04, 2006


1 Thes. 5:15; Titus 3:2; Romans 12:21

Sounds easy huh? It isn't. How many times do we find ourselves repaying evil with evil? How many times do we find ourselves lashing out at others with evil words? It is only natural that we do that. It is just as easy for us as breathing. But, here is the question that is foremost on my mind...does it really help us feel better? Do we really and truely deep down inside ourselves feel better?

Our first natural response when we are hurt is to think, "Boy, I'll show them." Do we really show them? Not according the above scriptures plus many more. We actually hurt ourselves more than them. We don't know what kinds of hurt and pain they have been thru or are going thru at this time.

Where does these kinds of responses put us with God? How would God want us to handle the evil for evil response? Do we ever ask Him? Not at the time we are responding, maye we do afterwards. But don't we feel good about ourselves that we could do this to someone else? We have to tell everyone how 'we showed them.'

In Romans 2:1-9 it says that when we judge others we are condemning ourselves. We are bringing wrath and other things down on us. How does this tie in with speaking evil words? Well, just think about this. Why are we using these evil words? The judge, condemn and bring others down. To reject them. To let them know that we are judging them the worst way we know how.

During the rest of our lives when hard times come to visit us and it seems we can never get ahead and everything is falling down around you, take a minute and think on these scriptures. I know I am.

So in the end, at the time of judgement before God, we will be reminded of our evil words and our judgement of others. Hopefully by then we will have ask for and been granted forgiveness.

God's blessings to each of you,



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