Sunday, July 30, 2006


Matthew 7:7-11

Let's see now. Oh yea, I've got it....harsh words, lies, beatings, making others look small so you can look tall, not being accepted, grudges, people thinking they are better than us, just all sort of meanness. Does it really? Then that is a place where we won't want to spend eternity. At least I don't. Don't we have enough of that down here on this earth? I know that I do. It gets old after a while.

When we think of heaven, it is where our Father and Jesus are. Our families are there, well at least some of them are. It is peaceful, tranquil, beautiful and to those of us who like jewelry, we will have plenty of them shining everywhere. We gonna walk on streets of pure gold. We are gonna walk up and down the golden stairs. We will be accepted. Yes, accepted by all those there. Now don't that just sound wonderful.

Joy. The joy of knowing that people will no longer think we are stupid or that they are better than us. Joy. Finally being at total peace. Joy. No abuse of any kind. Now tell me that don't sound good to you. Joy. Being able to spend time with all our family members and finally knowing that they love us like we have never know before. Even tho it could be said that we were the ones that never allowed others to love us. Joy. None of that will matter in any more. Thank you Jesus.

You know while writing this the thought of being in the jail house came to me. A jailhouse of our making of course. Here we are with those iron bar doors closed on us, walking around crying, "oh woe is me." How will I ever get out of here? I got to get out. I've got to get out. Oh, Lord Jesus God in Heaven please help me get out of here.

Than we hear this sweet, peaceful, wee small voice saying, "well then my child just go open the door." All this time the door has been unlocked. We didn't have the faith or courage or whatever you make call it, to go boldly up to the door and just push it open. All these many years we have been walking around in this jail house cell feeling guilty, feeling sorry for ourselves, low rating ourselves and the really sad part is believing others words about us. We didn't just step out on faith and open the door.

Are you in a jail house cell? Then won't you turn to God and tell Him Thank you for opening the door. I am stepping out on faith. I'm leaving and going to hold on to You and the faith you have given me. If you don't know God ask Him. If you don't have the faith, ask Him. Matthew 7:7 states, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

God's blessing to each of you,


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