Friday, July 28, 2006


Have you ever thought about our tongue when we think of killing? No, we don't. We think of guns, knives, poison, bombs, cars, fires and many other items. So, then how can a tongue do any killing. It is real easy.

James 3:6-12 states that the tongue is uncontrollable. It defiles the whole body. It starts fires. We can tame so many things but nope not the tongue. James says "it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison."

Now, I am sure you are wondering how in the world can we kill someone with our tongue. I will tell you what we think. Words off the tip of our tongue can do more damage that the taking of a life. Words can kill the heart and soul of a person. We call it "hurt feelings." But it goes so much deeper that just "hunt feelings."

I know that most of us don't ever mean to kill anyone. I am sure that most people wouldn't think of picking up an object to do harm to anyone. To us that is unthinkable. So then my friend, why the harsh words or no words at all?

We are told also in James 5:16 "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Here again how many of us will do any confessions to another? Even after we have caused them so much hurt. Why do you reckon that is? Are we so ashamed that the words just won't come? The simple answer, we believe, is that we don't know the words to use, and in some cases just don't want to speak the words.

OK, we don't feel that we were wrong in what we said or did. That is the way most of us feel. But does it really matter who was at fault? After we have had our hurtful say, which in our eyes is just exactly what so and so desired, what have we really and truly accomplished? The destruction of a heart and soul.

Ephesians 4: 26-32 (v26) "Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath." Verses 27-32 gives us the rest of the instruction on how to help with our tongue.

Let us all think about our tongue when start to lambaste another.

I am truly sorry for all the hurt and harsh words that I have spoken to so many. I pray that one day I may be forgiven by these people.

God's blessings on each of you,



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