Saturday, July 22, 2006

Sat, 22 Jul 2006 GOD'S WILL

Matthew 7:7-8; Hebrews 11:6; Colossians 3:1

Letting go and letting God do His thing at times can be easy, at other times it can be very hard. It is easy to pray Lord let my child be saved, but not want to watch them get to the point where they will turn to Him and be saved.

God knows exactly what it will take for a person to turn to Him. It is kind of like a alcoholic, they have to hit bottom to want to quit. What is one person's bottom is not another's. But what ever the bottom is they come to the point where they let go.

Anything we can think of God has something bigger and better in mind. We have to learn to step back and say Your will not mine. If we are praying our will, we will have a lot of unanswered prayer, or even worst prayers that we thought God answered that put us in the middle of a big mess.

Lets say you fall in love with this house and you PRAY and every time something tries to stop you, well you just push on. Finally you get the house. To begin with you need to remodel because you wanted this room bigger, and more baths and then it rains and the yard floods every time, sometime into the house. God did not have His will, you had yours.

Now you see this house and you pray and God says NO, so you tell the Lord well my heart was for it but if you say No then no it shall be. Finally when you think you can look no more you turn a corner one day and there it is your house, it couldn't match you better if you drew the blueprint yourself. You pray and God says yes, oh things might go wrong like the bank turns you down, but you know what God said, so you go to another bank and you get a lower rate.
Remember when you pray to put your petitions before the Lord and then say Your will, not mine. God desires for His children to be blessed but He can pick better than us.

I am reminded of a young lady who just had to marry this one man. After she married him, she prayed for God to change him. Well, if she would have prayed and asked God in the beginning she might have known he was not going to change. In fact the nice man down the street who has a good job, loves the Lord, and believes in being a good husband to his wife was who God had picked for her, but she had to have it her way, In case you are wondering God blessed the man with a good Godly woman. Let Go and let God, you will be much happier in the long run. We are yours in Christ rECj/LJG

We will write more later on picking a good man, so watch for it. In the future we will be changing the format, working with a few new things so be on the look out for them. LJG and rECj

And as always we want nothing from you, except for you to grow and have a deeper relationship with the Lord. God's Peace and Grace be with you.


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