Saturday, July 29, 2006


How many times have you heard these words or words like them? Oh, I love you.
You are the greatest thing in the world to me. You mean so much to me, I just don't think I could ever live again without you.

Yea right. We all like to hear these words. At first it really touches our hearts. But then we start to notice that there are no feet to these words. Words just roll so easily from our mouths.

To so many people think that they are the only one that truly matters. To them just because they use the above words so good that means the person that they are telling them too, should just live their life to please him/her. To take the other person's feeling, wants and likes into consideration is just not a thought that ever crosses their minds.

What if Jesus had put the very same rules down for us? Could we live up to the duty He set? Just do, do, do for Me and I will do nothing for you in return. Yes, we are supposed to do for others as we would do for ourselves. What does He ask from us in return for ALL that He has done for us? To love one another. Love our neighbors as ourselves. Husbands love your wife as you love yourself. Of course, it goes without saying, that we are to love, live and walk the walk set down my Jesus. I know, some of us fail at this miserably. I do. There are others who honestly believe that what they do is never wrong. It is always the fault of others.

Like we have said before in our writings, we all need to take a real good look at US. Take the BEAM out of eye before we try to take the splinter out of another's eye. Like my Granny always said, "Clean your own back porch before trying to clean somebody else's back porch."

How many of you feel as I do about saying "I love you." Do ever feel that people don't believe you when you say it? Are my actions saying something else? I am praying that my actions aren't making a liar out of me.

Now it is my turn to examine me and get my actions straightened out so that my words will be believed. God please forgive me for being so slack in my actions.

God's blessing's to each of you,



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