Saturday, August 05, 2006


I Pet 2:1; Colossians 3:8, 12-14, 25

Who do we blame for all the troubles in our lives? Past and present and probably the future as well? How easy it is to believe every thing one person says, not taking into consideration that there is always two sides to every story. It does take 2 people to make a mess of things It is never just one persons fault but yet we can't seem to let go of the fact that the one is always right. Which, of course, means the other is always wrong. Is that how you feel?

Sometimes it is so hard to remember that we have our faults. It is so easy to what others do wrong but it seems that we can't see beyond our nose with it come to laying the blame. It seems we feel we are blameless. I'm not. I see only black and white, there is no gray area for me. It is either right or wrong. No in between. Oh yes, I am set in my ways all right. That was the way I was raised.

rECj wrote once that we should take a pen and paper and take a long, hard, good look at ourselves and write down the good and bad. That's not easy to do. Why? Because we don't want to see us for what we really are. A sinner saved by the Grace of God. Nothing more, nothing less. There are like Jesus said many that cry Lord, Lord. His answer is depart from me ye workers of iniquities. I never knew you. Anyway, I did as she asked, this is what I came up with,
I love God
I love my children and grandchildren
I love to cook and bake
I love to wash clothes
I am good at keeping secrets
Yep, that's it. Now, as to the bad in me. Well, we just don't have the room or time for all them. I say what I mean and mean what I say. Once I think I am right there is no turning back for me. But, you know I don't have a problem with admitting I used to place the blame on others as well. Not anymore. I left the path that I was raised to follow. No one made me do it. I choose to do so. I even blamed God for many years for taking my daddy when I was 3 years old. I have been shown by God that it was for my own good that He took daddy. No more blame there.

My brother in law says that I shouldn't be so subtle which is saying that I am too out spoken. Oh yea I am. If I think it I usually say it. Which is not always the right way to do. Then I have to go repent. I sometimes wonder how God has time for anyone else. I take up so much of His time asking for forgiveness. He grants it to me. If only it was that easy with people.

Please, lets just a minute the next time we catch ourselves saying or doing something to blame others, to look at us and see what part we played in the misery we find ourselves. Also, remember the very thing you blame or see fault in others will come home to roost and you will exactly how they felt. Believe it or not. It is up to ya.

Lets don't be afraid to be the first to say, "I'm sorry or please forgive me." But, only if we are sincere. It really don't matter who was wrong, we are still guilty for our part in the miseries that surround us. I know I am to blame for all those around me.

Jesus is Love, He commanded us to love. Love as He does and He will be happy with us. That is what is important. Living for Him.

God's blessings to each of you,



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