Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Isaiah 43:24b-26

25: I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins.

26: Put me in remembrance; Let us contend together; State your case, that you may be acquitted.

Am I getting this right, God blots out our sin for His own sake because He is unable to look on sin. And because He wants us to be able to come into His presence, He is doing it for Himself. That is also why He cannot remember our sins because to do so is to look on them. Then He goes on to say remember Him and let us contend together, state your case that we might be acquitted. So He wants the lines of communication open between us, this is what happened when He was asked to not destroy Sodom and Gomorra? When Moses questioned Him about the children of Israel. We are to come before Him boldly and present our case, God does not want timid little children running around, He wants children who believe in Him and are willing and able to say okay God what is this. It doesn't mean He will stop what He plans to do but He honestly cares about our feelings and is willing to let us talk to Him and He might even change the way He is doing something, if we go boldly before Him and explain why. Of course it has to line up with His Word.

I am remembering a few times when I was in a real battle and I was so tired I asked Him could You let me have a few days of peace to strengthen myself and then we can go on. And each time I would have two or three days were nothing went wrong and then when I was rested and refreshed It would start again.

God's blessings to each of you,



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