Monday, August 21, 2006


II Timothy 1:9
Ephesians 2:8-10
Titus 3:5
Acts 10:34

We feel led by the Lord to do this site. it gives us a joy that we can be used by God. Reaching out to others with the peace and fulfillment that God has given us.

But know this and understand: actions such as this will not get us into heaven. The pastor who sincerely gives his life to preaching and teaching the Word does not a passport into heaven earn. Mrs. Smith down the street who reaches out with prayer and food, helping those in times of need does not get a pass for her actions. The list can go on.

Yes we are held accountable for our actions. They do not though get us into heaven. Remember when God used a donkey to speak to a man (Numbers 22:21-30). If God gives us a assignment , if we do not complete it He can raise up a rock if need be to complete the assignment.

I could speak of Billy Graham or Mother Theresa and all their selfless acts and time they have given. Without faith their actions would be dead. Faith has to be the reason. Faith in God. Not for any personal gain. If we do things for ourselves in any way we have our own reward.
One of the reasons we do not list our names is we do not want anyone to look to us and say we did it (Prov. 27:2 ). Without God we are nothing, no talent, no abilities. If someone would have told us a year ago we would be doing this, the answer would have been no way.

If you want to know more about faith just ask. Everything we speak we back up with God's Word.

Until next time In Christ Name we love you,



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