Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Luke, chapters 22, 23 and 24

And the lash came down
again and again
how much more could a mortal man take
again the lashes would not stop
they came and came
one after another when will it end
but they continue to fall
this man born of flesh
yes he felt every blow
did he go numb and not feel it no more

Born of a woman
for a day such as this
it was planned, had to happen
and the lashes continue to fall
knowing He had to endure
even now He held on, for He knew
as the lashes fell, that this wasn't the end
another lash and He felt
this beating the man took
the breath knocked out of Him
with each lash He endured a pause take a breath that
is full of sweat and blood
a second breath the same sweet sticky smell
finally at last the beating will end

The lashes have stopped
but the pain it goes on
one continuous throb
with stabs of much deeper pain
a pain so bad it can be no worst
when from somewhere inside
the pain rises to a even more feverish pitch

Pulled up to His feet, He braces Himself
the journeys not over, it's just began
Pick up this cross, they yell at the man
knowing to wear Him outthe faster He will be dead
He though braces Himself again
He knows where He's headed
and gladly heads there
He stumbles to many times to count
each time they will lash out and He pulls Himself upright
then it comes to a place He can no longer stand
the weight of the cross has pulled Him down again
a man from the crowd is ordered to help
carry the cross of the fallen man
together they drag that great heavy tree
till they get to the hill of Golgotha
that is to say place of a skull

They offer Him sour wine but He would not drink
nailed to the cross they did tease
and rolled lots for His clothes
waiting and watching for an end to His scorn
He cried out in a voice that shuck the world
beaten and twisted beyond what any could believe
He cried out again and gave up the ghost

But the battle was just starting
For now He would conquer the hell underneath
with no time for rest or to clean Himself up
He stepped through the gates into hell
give me the keys I have paid the price
all belongs to me now I have paid in full
for all who call on me
my Father has given into my hands
the Name above all others

He arose into heaven when three days had passed
standing in the gap for you and I
just call on the Name of the Son of God
and He will come to your aid
to hold you and keep you forever safe

All this from a man of flesh
who didn't have to be but chose to be.



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