Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Matthew 1:18-25

I know that is hard to comprehend. But it is true. Jesus was a man. He had no special abilities, no staff like Moses, no prophets to give Him words of knowledge. He cried on His mothers breast just as we did. He cried over a skinned knee just as we did. And I am sure He played with His brothers and sisters. Jesus was a baby who grew to a boy who grew to become a man. What sat Jesus apart is His desire to obey God in everything. He was a man 100% after God's own heart. Yes, He was born of a virgin. Other then that His birth happened just as ours. Carried nine months and birthed into the world.

Wait a minute are you saying there is no difference between us? Well, I guess I am. What do you think?

Is it possible for you to completely walk in faith, to love the Lord with all your heart, soul and mind, to obey God in every area of your life? To let God lead you and guide you every step of your way? Yes, Jesus died for us and no one needs to do that again. But He did it as a man. Jesus did not do anything else that we could not do. He said it Himself. You that come after me shall do more than me. We, to, are called to take up our cross and bear it. (Matthew 16:24; Luke 14:27)

Think on this for a while. Ponder it in your mind. Then act.



Blogger Patience said...

You seem to have a deep faith and a true desire to do God's will. I have skimmed through some of your posts and will take some time to read them more thoroughly. You mentioned belief that our own works are not sufficient to gain salvation, and the scriptures bear this to be true. Works and faith must go hand in hand; one without the other is basically meaningless.

Looking forward to reading more!

5:02 AM  

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