Monday, August 28, 2006


"It is true that without faith it is impossible to please Me, but I am so anxious to reward you with blessing, I'm even willing to supply the faith you lack Ask Me, My child! Ask Me for what you lack! I am the only One who can help you overcome your unbelief." Luke 9:37-45How wonderful to know, realize and accept the fact that Jesus does in fact have a answer for everything in our lives. Even to supplying us with the faith to believe in Him and His Word.
There is nothing He will not provide for us if we ask.

Today my grandson brought to mind a teaching from my Dad. M was playing with my angels and began to sit them on top of my Bible. My Dad had raised us that to sit something on the Bible was wrong. He said if you sit first one thing and then another soon you won't be able to find it. This is true with spiritual things as well as material things. Do not put anything on {ahead} of the Bible, the Written Word of God. This is why we are told to hide it in our hearts.
When I told M not to sit the angels there he asked why to which I replied 'This is Jesus's Word." He looked at me with the innocents of a 4 year old and said "That's Jesus!" Well that was good enough for him and for me. Because when I read His Words they become alive to me.

Oh how blessed we are that we can read and study and grow with His Word: and if we don't understand we can ask.

Jesus loves for us to ask, He wants us to know Him and have a relationship with Him. Jesus is willing to show Himself to us, as He is for us to show ourselves to Him.

We are yours in Christ



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