Wednesday, November 29, 2006


The purpose of the columns for Monday and Tuesday is the injustice of words and thoughts of others. I am a caregiver to my ex husband. There are those amongst us who have said by words and implications that we have been living as man and wife. Now, you must understand, these people know and have known me for years. They will not accept the fact that I was sent here by God. They were not going to give care or help to his man. They have their own life's and families to deal with. No room for him. By knowing me as they do, they should remember that if I were living in sin as they call it, I would be the first to admit it. If it is worth my doing, it is certainly worth me admitting doing it. Something my Granny always said about those who did the accusing, "They must be guilty of the same sin. How else would they know so much about it?" Yes, these people profess to know God and His goodness. Have I been offended, falsely accused and judged? Yes to all three. But let's take a look at whose doorstep this fault should be laid upon.


Although we live in a 3 bedroom place, he has his and I have mine, it really doesn't matter to the outside world or to other Christians. We are to "abstain from all appearance of evil," 1 Thessalonians 5:22. I have not done so. I know the truth, God knows the truth but the others don't and really, I think, don't want too.

A couple of these very same people will not believe what I say is happening in this household without verification from another. They do not live here, visit only occasionally, see and hear only what they want to and it is always his side that is belived and upheld. By their words and actions I have caught myself doubting that God really sent me up here. I know in my heart He did. I have been a stumbling block for these people and others that I may not even know of. No more.

I will no longer be "living in sin." God is moving me on out. I will be close enough that I will be able to check on him on a daily basis and see to his care from a distance. So, now the tongues will be wagging in another direction. So be it.

The whole point of this discussion is: if I was what we call a "young Christian" it is very possible that I could be destroyed and turn away from God forever.

I know the move here and from here is by God, from God and of God. I do know His voice. It has taken Him 11 months to make this move possible. With God's help, understanding and most important His love, I will overcome the hurt that has been bestowed upon me. I will continue to witness and do my best to live for Him and by His words. My best will not be up to others standards but they will be for God. I also know one other lesson learned from this experience, I will sure be careful how I look and what I say about others and their doings.

We must search the Scriptures. And proving all things must be to hold fast that which is good. We should abstain from sin, whatever looks like sin, leads to it, and borders upon it.

The pain is great, but the joy given so freely by God is greater.

God's blessings to each of you,


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