Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Jonah's Tomb has been excavated. It is opened to the public. Sits in the middle of the city of Mosul. Mosul is supposed to be built on the ruins of the Ancient city of Nineveh. Now what you think of that?

I know each of you are wondering, "Why in the world am I going on with all this old 'stuff'?" Well me see if I can explain myself. I have always loved history. Being raised in a Bible believing family, being taught from a very early age that God is the Reason for everything that happens in our lives, our world, it is natural that I would want to know more about the places that Jesus visited. The places the Prophets visited, lived and died, are very important to all of us, or it should be. We spoke in an earlier column of the New Jerusalem "coming down" as mentioned in Revelation. People that is where we will be walking and talking. Don't you care or want to know about all these wonderful cities and the men and woman there? Don't you know that these very Prophet's are going to be among us? How are we going to be able to talk to them with any sense or knowledge if we don't learn all we can about them and their cities? Will any of this matter when we all get to Heaven? I have no idea. But it matters to me now and that is all that is important to me.

I also know that their are those among us today who believe, mainly because some learned person has said it, that the Old Testament isn't important to any of us today. Isn't important? How can we believe that? Why did God feel it was necessary to write if it wasn't important? Was He just bored for a few hundred years after creating the earth and man, and thought, "well let Me just write something down." I hardly think that is His reason. He wouldn't waste His valuable time with silly thinking like that, nor ours either for that matter. It is there because He wants us to know how all the events, dates, names and places that came before Jesus and what happened to the people and places that didn't heed His words. It all leads to the Master's feet. When God says something He has a reason for doing so.

I know that a lot of you can't or won't share my excitement with the Old Testament. To me that is such a shame. How can we then get so excited about the New Testament? The Old Testament came from God, the Father. The New Testament from Jesus, (the same as God), the Son of God, Son of Man. So how can the Old be separated from the New? Ya'll tell me. For as far as I am concerned it can't be.

For those of you who don't know the excitement and joy of Jesus as your personal Savior, please won't you just take a minute and ask Him to come in your heart? I promise you, you won't be sorry after you do that. There is such sweet peace that flows thru the soul of His children. Yes, even in the "bad and painful" times of our life. We try not to harp on ya'll about being saved, but we are asking you, please, please don't wait til one day you wake up and realize, "Hi, there is true in both the Old and New, God and Jesus' own words". You will be dead and can't come back and ask Them into your heart, soul and life.

Why do we write, copy (me), use other people's work (me again)? Because we feel lead by the Spirit. Do I repeat myself and write column's with the same meaning, only different words and thoughts? Of course I do. After all I am 63 years old. I have all these thought's jumbled up in my head, just waiting to get out. Then I sit down with keyboard, a blank notepad page in front of me, I just let the Spirit take control. Do I jump from one subject to the other? Oh yeah I do. But that is the way it comes to my mind and fingers and that is the way I give it to ya'll.

2 Timothy 2:15, Study to show thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (also see Acts 17:10:11).
2 Timothy 3:2-5, Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after they own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions; do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

I can't be a preacher or an evangelist, I am a woman. Therefore I can't the HUSBAND of one wife as instructed in 1 Timothy 3:2-12. But I can witness. Being a "witness" for the Lord God of Heaven is my mission and passion. What is yours?

God's blessings to each of you,

SOURCE: God, Jesus, the Holy Ghost and the King James Bible


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