Saturday, December 30, 2006


We have spent time with families and friends. Or maybe we spent it alone. Preachers have taught of the mercy and compassion of Almighty God who gave us His Son so that we might have life.

There is one who spoke to many today and as I read the report of some of the words he spoke I was startled that there are those who believe this way. I will only quote a few of his remarks that make me look twice to see if I read correctly or took it out of context, but no it is what he said. I present it to you, and you think for yourself does this in fact line up with the word of Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Isaiah, and David, the Father of Jesus. …..I place in the hands of the divine Child of Bethlehem the indications of a resumption of dialogue….do what, the Child grew into a man and became the sacrifice for all sinners, etc, He is no longer a Child, He is grown. … why Jesus Christ is reborn…did I miss something there. I will go back and reread that one again. …..misled by facile prophets…I think you sir are the mislead facile. And then the final one he says …..I pray to God… considering what he has just said I wonder to what god he was referring.
Okay I said all that to say what. As I have said before, be careful; read the Word for yourself, check the scriptures. Do not take a man, yes a man or woman’s words as fact.

The year is drawing to a close, we have learnt, we have grown, We have fallen, we have got up. We might even take our eyes off Jesus for a minute but as soon as we realize our mistake we put our eyes and faith right back in Him. The Man who is our Savior. Yes I know we get more with sugar then with vinegar and I agree. But when I read such as this I feel that I must say something. I cannot in good faith stand still and keep my mouth shut.

So as we draw near to the end of the year let us put old things and habits away, let us seek to know Jesus, as he would have us know Him. Not as the Child still in the manager but as the Savior He became to save all of us who turn to Him and Him alone as the Way the Truth and the Light.



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