Thursday, December 21, 2006


I called this an editorial because it is my personal thoughts. I do not include any scriptures, because I don’t think any are needed. Of course if you have a question about anything I write here or anything else I write you are free, welcome and encouraged to ask any questions you have. We will do our best to answer them.

As Christians we all know what it is to slip, fall and have to call on God to pull us out of the very thing we have gotten ourselves into.

Maturing we find our struggles have changed. We still slip and fall once in awhile, but now the challenge is to stand. Can you recognize what I am saying when I speak about standing and standing, and then we fall and there is our answer. Oh, if it could have happened one hour, one day sooner, when we were still standing. Do you know what I am talking about?

I heard a preacher one time explaining how as he stood, he would ask the Lord what can I learn from this. Then he told how years later he got to a place were he said Lord I’m learning so much, let me tarry here a little longer.

At the time I said no, not me. Then I got attacked one day. Now we all know how when you stand the evil hits you hardest just before he leaves. Like he knows he is going so he gets in one last good hard hit to try and make you fall. Well as I sat there I remembered what that pastor said, and fool that I was, I said hit me with your best shot cause I’m standing. Well I gave him the authority and he took it and all but knocked the breathe out of me. Thank God I came to my senses and rebuked him. Which I should have done to begin with.

We learn , we grow. God brought all this back to me over the past few days. I see others around me and know that I am not going through what I am going through alone. I have noticed that God seems to be teaching the same lessons to a lot of us at the same time. With me right now it is not seeing or feeling the presence of my Father.

We do all the things we know to do, we pray, seek God, fast and stand. And stand. What else can we do-have joy where we are, be content where we are.

And though we might get a little antsy, asking Lord did I forget anything we stand. Because we know that He will never leave us nor forsake us. We hold onto His promises and know that He is there. And nothing can shake that. We have grown from questioning Him to questioning ourselves.

Then when it seems like God might have forgotten us, the smallest thing happens. Minor in the eyes of others, but we bubble over with joy, we know He is real and He cares for us. We relax and step into His arms, he shows us how we have conquered, that we have the victory. The battle is over.

We are His and He is ours.

God Bless


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