Friday, February 23, 2007


An article today in the Associated Press out of Nashville, Tenn. printed a story about victim’s advocates. This group has in the pass gone after the Catholic Church and the sexual abuse done by priest. Now they have turned their attention to Southern Baptist Churches. I will add here that Baptist churches are independent, and not under a head like the Catholic Church.

I do not have a problem with this group of people doing what they are doing. If there is abuse it needs to be reported to the police. And the police should arrest and the courts should prosecute.

What I also agree with is that it should not be sweep under the rug and handled by the church inside it’s own walls. Whoever and wherever it has to be reported to the proper officials.

It does not matter what religion it is abuse is abuse and sexual abuse is sexual abuse. Neither one should be tolerated by anyone, much less covered up because it is a church leader. For that matter anyone in a church who abuses anyone should be reported. If a child cannot be safe at church, where can they be safe?

Churches should keep track of pastors in its denomination, and if abuse is reported that should go in their file. When we go for a job, they do a background check. What excludes a pastor from providing records of his past? There are reports of pastors being asked to leave a church to only go to another and continue these vile practices. People have not talked because it is a church matter.

How many life’s would have been saved sexual abuse if people would have stood up and said no, this is going to stop here, and step out and file charges. There are proper channels to handle everything. I do not walk out to the road and empty my trash cans in the street and go back in my house saying it is not mine anymore.

I thank God for my loving parents, who when an elder in our church touched me inappropriately called the police. A report was filed. The family, church members of 20 + years, came to our house to tell me it was a mistake. The man said he bumped into me, and they took his word over mine. We never stepped foot in that church again. He remained an elder of that church. I forgave Mr. Wilson along time ago, and asked God to forgive him. But it has crossed my mind who else. How many other young girls did he bump into that didn’t talk, because he was an elder.

If a total stranger molested your child, you would not stand still about it. How much more should you do if it is a member of your church? Please for all the young boys and girls out there make your church do a full background check on anyone who works with children and young people. We have to accept responsibility for the people we put in a position of authority over these our precious children.

If you have been abused by a church member, or know someone who has, please report it. It is the first step to recovery, and certainly not the only step. The group mentioned here is based in Chicago, Survivors Network of those Abused by Priest, SNAP. You can contact them at You can also contact Whatever you choose to do, don’t be quite. Report sexual abuse and stop the cycle.

God Bless


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